apologetics atheism

Why Won’t God Heal Amputees?

I recently scanned over a ridiculous website called, run by “Marshall Brain.” Upon reading over it, I found what I expected to find, which was a flurry of rather simplistic and juvenile arguments against the existence of God. So I’m taking my shot here.

First of all, thousands upon thousands of amputees have been healed by God. God heals broken souls and spirits. He does this every day through his Holy Spirit. Each time it happens, it is a genuine and remarkable miracle. Bad people, thoroughly debauched and given over to evil– become saved and turn their life around, and experience a miraculous transformation at the heart level. This is actually the greatest evidence for God’s existence that there is.

This is not something to push away with a wave of the hand.

I have never seen a truly bad person have a change of heart except through a religious, spiritual experience with God. I have never heard or seen of a person struggling with a sexual sin overcoming it by anything but a miracle.

For example, in state after state, un-american leftists and socialist democrats have banned the use of secular and religious programs that help people overcome their sexual issues. They have recognized that all of their science and their whole psychological field is powerless and ineffective in helping these people, though they want to be helped.

Yet within the church, you will find former homosexuals and thousands upon thousands who overcome sexual fetishes. You will hear their testimonies and witness the newfound joy in their lives and on their faces.

You keep looking at missing arms and legs. I give you Nick Vujicic, missing arms and legs, he is a christian preacher and evangelist, who believes in physical healing, to boot!

What is it that secular atheists offer people with broken souls?

They offer them drugs. Anti-depressants. Anti-psychotics. They offer to fully transform them into drooling zombies.

They offer them bread, a monthly check from the government, a lonely existence on the margins of society.

They offer them a quick path to nihilism and existential sickness.

With all of their degrees, their higher learning, and all of their science, they have never once been able to turn a bad man into a good man. They have never once, in the history of mankind, been able to affect a real and lasting change of heart.

All they offer are new social programs that cost hundreds of millions of dollars, the money being poured into high crime areas for decades with no visible positive effects. They have built thousands of prisons for those sick in their souls. They have turned countless people suffering from anxiety into drug addicts, alcoholics and into the homeless.

They don’t have or possess the ability to heal anyone.

They have never witnessed a miracle or performed one because they don’t have the holy spirit of God inside of them.

A man who loses an arm or a leg is not sick. He is not in need of healing. Jesus himself said that it is better to be without a hand or arm than lose your eternal soul.

In all, they ignore the miracles that are all around them, focusing only on physical losses. They are the blind leading the blind. They have ears, but cannot hear. They have eyes, but do not see.

Part 2 is here!

If there is No God…
Faith Keeps the Human Race Going

A Thought on White Privilege

A link to the page of “Marshall Brain”

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