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There is Something to be Said for War

They have no great war. 

They were just children when 9/11 happened. They don’t remember having to crouch under your school desk during a nuclear attack drill. They didn’t have grandparents who fought in World War 2 and Vietnam to teach them the evils of leftism and socialism and communism. They didn’t have to fight a civil war, or run an underground railroad. 

They played inside instead of outside, lived online, stayed home on weekends playing video games with earphones and headsets, cradling I-pods and hand-held consoles. 

They have no great struggle, no bogeyman to keep them up at night. There is nothing outside the borders of this country that scares them, that puts fear into their hearts. 

They don’t speak of evil, almost never speak of evil. 

Instead of quoting scripture, they cite pop-psychology, they cite news articles and editorials. They utilize concepts and words that cannot be found in our bibles, our sutras, our surahs and encyclicals. They have completely abandoned a 2,000 year old inheritance of accumulated wisdom. 

They will not band together to fight against evil, perhaps because they do not believe in evil. 

It is hard to believe in evil when all of your life, you have been on the sidelines, living in a digital prison. Never having been tested, never having failed, sinned, apologized, made recompense. As if being good was merely doing nothing, or having opted out. 

Most men who believe in evil have lived long enough to encounter evil first, within themselves. 

But they do believe in oppression, systemic racism, safe spaces, phobias and privilege. They have a whole lexicon of euphemisms for evil to judge others with. 

Actions and fruits no longer matter, they aren’t important. Only secret, invisible intentions matter now; only what they intuit about others, whatever assumptions and motives they can and will deposit upon others.

And because they don’t have an enemy to war against, they now war against their own. 

Maybe it is time to face the fact that we are a warlike people, each generation looking for a heroic, American struggle, and if they cannot find one ready and waiting, they will fashion one, create one, cook one up as they have, out of a motley host of exotic ingredients found in old, Soviet, Marxist cookbooks. 

Jesus said, that you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. 

But what happens when a whole generation abandons truth?

What happens when truth is viewed as meanness, as impolite conversation, or as violence and aggression?

Perhaps all that will be left will be enslavement to the shifting, subjective passions of a self-righteous mob. 

If they want a war so badly, maybe they should be given a real one, or two, or three. 

Maybe Dick Cheney, and his doctrine of perpetual, preemptive war, wasn’t such an idiot after all. 

But the truth is–there is a war going on, but it is not what they suspect it to be. The war is not against racism, or inequality, or slavery or religion. It is not against people, not against flesh and blood. It is a spiritual war– good against evil, good against principalities, against strongholds, against spirits, and against evil.

It is the real war. And they have joined a side, maybe without even realizing it.

Therefore they do have a great war. They have chosen war against us, their own people.

Never stopping to realize that they are on the side of anarchy and destruction. Never stopping to realize, that as Jesus said: A house divided against itself cannot stand.

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