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Birth Control and Feminism Destroyed Society.

Lying awake in bed the other night, a crazy thought occurred to me, almost as if it was given to me from on high.

The problem at hand was today’s youth. Why are they so woke? Why are the men so feminine? Why are they taken by socialism, by the draw of authoritarianism, by the pull of communist ideologies? And was my generation like this, too?

I thought back to my generation. They call us gen-x.

I don’t look back with nostalgia. I had some good times, drank all night, attended rock and heavy metal concerts, moshed in insane pits, committed petty crimes, did drugs and slept with loose stoner chicks. I had some fun, some good times, but there were also really dark times, and serious moments of existential discontent.

I looked at us, and how we had turned out, and wondered what was wrong with us. Why were we so disaffected? Why so rebellious against everybody and everything? Why did I have friends who attempted suicide?

So, what was wrong with all of us?

The other night, it occurred to me that we were denied an historical and ages-old initiation into adulthood and manhood. We were forced to retain juvenile characteristics and traits right up into our 30s. Perhaps, the problem is that — we were never allowed to take a natural step in our lives that previous generations assumed without any fanfare or effort.

We were in the prime of our health. We were never going to possess a comparable reservoir of physical and mental energy ever again in our lives. And we were lost. Unfulfilled. We all felt incomplete and less-than what we should have been.

I think a lot of us mistakenly attributed this to depression or malaise or some sort of spiritual issue.

But now, I look back, and the problem appears more glaring, and much more simpler than all of that.

We were like fishes out of water. We were like ants tumbling in space. We were not living the life that human beings had been accustomed to living for a hundred thousand years or more. And we had been brought up in inhumane conditions, not conducive to human maturation.

Yes, we weren’t living the lives of human beings.

Throughout history, the fact is, most 21 year old men were already attached to a woman, and if not married, then understood who he was going to marry. Many had a child already. By 25, they had families, responsibilities, careers, farm, land, a house.

Many 25 year olds today are sitting in their mother’s basement playing video games.

This is a tremendous waste of potential energy. By this age, a man had a child, or two, and was busy from day until night working on accumulating his flocks and herds. His life had purpose, meaning, and every move that he made was imbued with value and great import.

The psychological effects of the situation as it is today are devastating. You have fully matured, grown man, of military age, ready to work, who are staring at their navel a quarter of the time, and playing video games the rest of the time. Sex with their partners has been reduced to a sterile form of mutual masturbation. It has become a pleasure activity, like parasailing or hang-gliding. Sex has become gamified, and a far cry from its natural, original reproductive purposes.

So what we have, are young men and women sidelined as human animals. They are outside the perimeter of what it means to be a homo sapien, as we were known for 200,000 years or more. They are in a kind of social prison, as doctors and general practitioners prescribe birth control to young women, in their reproductive prime, in record rates.

I know, for myself, I wish I had chosen to have children much earlier in my life. It doesn’t make sense to have children at the age of 35 or older. Your prime has passed. Your energy levels have been reduced. A woman’s fertility levels have dropped by more than half.

All of that energy that these grown men are exhausting on video games, on play-realities, all of it is there for a specific purpose– to be able to work from morning until night in order to raise up a family around himself. To be able to work two jobs, if necessary. To be able to work two jobs and still have energy to have sex with your wife at the end of the day.

Desperation is the greatest motivator. This has been true for ages. A man with mouths to feed, even without skills, even without wisdom, will find a way to succeed. He has no other choice.

Men must marry younger. Men and women must realize that society is crumbling because they have strayed too far from the natural order of things.

The media has them seeking for love, and not for family. When love has nothing to do with anything, and “falling in love,” which they have been hoodwinked into seeking, is not even something that can be found, but rather, something that kicks in naturally when you spend time with a chosen mate. It is part of a process, and not an end in itself, or a thing to be sought out.

But to the point: birth control and the over-prescribing of it is connected to all of this. Our young men are not allowed to be men, not allowed to be providers, restricted from having children in the natural, god-ordained way, to grow into fathers, to start families, to mature into godly, responsible men.

So they are still within the comforts of the womb, in many ways. They don’t ever have the opportunity to escape the maternal influence. They do not know God, because God is a father. They cannot grow closer to God as long as they remain within the sphere of the maternal perimeter.

A woman’s right to choose who she mates with, viewed as a great feminist victory, has had a destructive influence on society at large, has led to the feminization of men, almost completely, as they seek to please the woman, and spend their energies seeking to become attractive to the woman, instead of seeking to please their father, God. No wonder they cannot hold together marriages and their families, as they are not morally equipped for the job.

They are in the gym 5 days a week, artificially inflating their body to represent themselves, falsely, as men who possess the valor of working the field, of owning enough crops to feed a healthy brood. They seek to reflect the visage of the woman, physically, mentally and emotionally, to mimic her in appearance and in temperament.

The men, now having been raised by their mothers, have taken on the anxieties and emotionalism of their mothers, instead of inheriting moral values from their fathers. They do not know that self-control is true strength. They do not know that men must maintain their moral integrity, at all costs.

They were never told that the woman never really knows what she wants, as is evidenced by the divorce rate, as is reflected to us as of old in the garden of Eden story. She had God as a friend. She had her husband, Adam, as lover and mate. She had everything she could need. But she took the shiny apple in hand and chose to heed a foreign voice, that of the serpent, who promised her immortality, knowledge, self-sufficiency and power.

The story of the garden isn’t about the fall of man, but the elevation of the woman. Man betrayed God for the woman. The woman betrayed man for the allure of knowledge and power.

Thousands of years later, nothing has changed, except the problem has grown worse.

It sounds ugly, what I am pointing out. It sounds wrong to even say it. But the evidence of this phenomenon is everywhere today. It is so bad, so ingrained now in our society, that we are almost completely blind to what has occurred.

Women are now permitted to kill their unborn babies without compunction. A crime that used to lead to stoning or exile has been repackaged as a moral right.

80% of divorces are initiated by women. They abandon their husbands, and break their children’s young psyches, causing untold and deep trauma, for the sake of convenience. Large numbers of their children suffer abuse under boyfriends that come and go, or cruel, hairy stepfathers.

Women today are even given the children, even after treachery, after adultery, after abandonment of their vows, when in old days, this was unthinkable. Why would any sane and reasonable and conscientious person give children to a woman who has proven herself disloyal, immoral, treacherous and selfish? It is almost inconceivable that this is the social program that men are subject to today.

Women commit adultery, and no charges are ever brought to bear, though many laws against this evil exist on the books all across the country. In fact, the courts reward them with custody, handing over the children to the weaker vessel, who has just failed her greatest moral test.

The truth is, the prisons today are full of men, when they should be full of women. Every female-specific crime has been decriminalized, one by one.

Men have been sacrificed in the name of freedom, and feminism. They never had a chance, being raised by their mothers, and without fathers–the father having been exiled from the home.

The fact of the matter is, when godlessness began to run rampant, and God died, man died too, and has become a mere accessory to women.

And because many men are now raised by women to think and act like women, there are barely any god-fearing men around to dare to point out this evil.

This is now a woman’s world, and it is quickly going to the shitter. Men gave up their birthright, and have nobody to blame but themselves.