creative essays politics

Theory: Why Euro Nations can get away with Socialism, and we can’t.

It has happened over and over. When talking to a democrat socialist or a liberal, they bring up the wonderful socialized health program in Canada, Switzerland, Sweden, the Netherlands or some other minor Eastern European country. If it can work there, then it can work here, they proudly affirm.

They never stop to really ask themselves why these countries can afford such experiments, and the United States can’t. But more importantly, they never stop to ask themselves why the world can afford to allow them these socialized institutions, but why the world cannot afford the United States taking on these kind of massive financial changes.

First, let us look at military power. The United States, at all times, is prepared to fight a war on three fronts at the same time. The US literally has a military capacity to fight 3 wars at once, with two other superpowers thrown in for good measure.

The size and scope of US military reach is astounding and mind-boggling. The US, for example, has 13, 683 military aircraft. To compare, this is more than the next 7 countries on the military superpower index COMBINED.

America has 11 nuclear-powered aircraft carriers. The rest of the world combined has two.

The United States spends about $732 Billion on its military every year, which is almost as much as the next 10 countries combined.

These are important, if not critical facts. They are important because it is all necessary for world pace and stability. If the United States wasn’t making up this kind of slack, and if America reduced its massive military budget, western civilization itself would come into immediate jeopardy. Bad actors, with dreams of expansion and empire, like Russia and China, would seize on this weakening of the West’s defensive infrastructure and expand their global reach, either by projection or war.

In other words, the United States fields almost all of the military infrastructure of western democratic nations. They are, in some ways, the sacrificial lamb.

If America instituted the expensive and grand social experiments that others can only afford because of America’s assumed protection, who is going to pick up the slack then and stop the bad guys from destroying western civilization?

In those nations that these socialist programs exist in, do they also have the financial responsibility for a HUNDRED worldwide military bases, and a military geared for fighting 3 wars at once? Is the world looking TO THEM every time the shit break loose?

And if they don’t have those responsibilities, who–do you think, is going to take up the place of world leader once America goes into unrecoverable debt?

Certainly not China or Russia, right?


In all, these countries enjoy the capability to spend large proportions of their overall budgets on socialized medicine and free healthcare because they rely on the massive military power of the United States to ward off potential existential threats such as China or Russia. American power and projection across the globe keeps them in check. If America were to institute the same programs, they would, of necessity, have to decrease military spending and weaken the whole civilized world’s defensive posture against bad actors and nations. The rest of the free world would immediately become vulnerable and have to vastly increase their own military spending budgets. They might not be able to keep or maintain these expensive socialist programs financially.

This is one of the reasons why you generally see President Donald Trump constantly urging other Western nations to increase their overall contribution to matters of defense. He probably wants nothing more than to reduce military spending so that he can introduce Trumpcare and make his lasting mark on American history.

creative essays

The Real Reason Why the Left Loves Civil Disorder

ROMANS 8:16 “The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace.”

What did the socialists and the communists need?

They needed to upset the established order. They wanted to institute their social theories and their civil ideas. But in order for that to happen, they needed the current government system to collapse, first.

Taking down a government is no small thing, especially when you don’t have an army or guns, but the only thing you possess is learning, rhetoric, words, and the books and pamphlets and manifestos that you write.

What you really need, more than anything, is rage.

They needed to enrage the public.

So what you have to do is to create intractable problems; you need to create issues that can’t ever be solved. And this is a critical point: because if the problems run so deep, even to the dark heart of a man, then you can stake your claim on an inexhaustible amount of anger and rage.

You need to convince the public, or some segment of it, that the well of darkness is so deep that you yourself need an immense amount of reach to solve the problem and get to the root of it.

This is why democrats need more and more government, more and more control of the system, because they are trying to fill a hole in the human soul that extends on indefinitely. They are trying to solve the spiritual problem of evil with man-made solutions.

The idea is that the evil in the heart of man is endless, and so there must be an endless march of programs, laws, legislation, and guidelines to attack it. But most importantly, they must have full and complete control of the government, because, without that, they think, how can you fully fix the completely corrupted heart of man?

Their desire for power coincides exactly with the depth of evil inside of man. But the truth is that they can never have enough power, never fund enough programs, never pass enough legislation to even begin to heal the brokenness inside of men.

They are looking at a deep and endless hole of evil and thinking it is something else, something that can be mastered.

They are attacking a terminal disease with superficial dressings. They are painting the face of a dead man. Because all they can see is their own ideas, their own devices and solutions. They can’t see that the patient’s heart is dead, lifeless, rotting, with rigor mortis and bacteria setting in. They can’t see that the only way to resurrect the dead heart of a man is by a miracle, through a miraculous occurrence.

They never once thought to look inside themselves for the response to the problem. They are always looking at the other with searching eyes of judgment, seeking only to diagnose and frame the other as the problem. This is the fatal flaw in socialist ideologies, that the grounding element of humility that comes from religiousness is absent.

They have replaced evil with counterfeits. And so they no longer see the depthless evil in the heart of man. They have replaced evil with shallow counterfeits, presented these issues as solvable, if we just give them enough power to institute their programs.

But first they need violence, general disorder, rage, and chaos.

They need desperation.

They need the people to look upon evil and call it something else, to actually see something else. They need the people to forget about the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and instead identify a new tree of moral ideas, with its novel fruits being racism, privilege, Islamophobia, and so on.

In the face of this new confusion, the people will become desperate, and throw up their hands and relinquish their rights to these leaders.

It has happened over and over in history.

And we are seeing it again, right before our eyes.

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Civil War is Here.

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Why Socialists Want Complete Control

I was just thinking last night about socialism and leftism, and how, it makes perfect sense, in a way, that they would desire to take power of the whole government, because they are seeing evil — which is endless in man’s heart, and so believe they need an equal amount of endless secular power to defeat it.

Christians, however, know that the struggle is not against flesh and blood, or systems, or structures, but against principalities, powers, spirits, and evil. You will never have an education system large enough to transform even one man’s dark heart. Only a miracle can do that. The kind that the Christian faith offers.