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The End of Science

I hope for a day when science is overtaken by common sense, logic and the practice of the basic reasoning abilities of man, and natural philosophy prevails once again.

It may happen. I see a path with my prophet’s eye. But it will come with pain, perhaps a full flask of suffering.

Perhaps it will be a flare from the Cairn collider that wakes us up. Perhaps a new civil war over a counterfeit moral value, such as racism. Perhaps a lab-escaped virus that sets the world on edge and makes prisoners of us all in our own homes.

But perhaps it will take a mini-apocalypse. Maybe a nuclear exchange would finally force us back to casual talk about metaphysics on the riverbanks. Perhaps a reset is what is needed. Our religious texts seem to prophesy this, without doubt, that there will indeed be a last day, and that it will come upon us as a thief in the night.

A new heaven, and a new earth.

Today, a man can no longer think for himself, and if he does, he is branded a rebel, even an enemy of society. Consensus is the order of the day. Consensus and not truth. Truth is of no import today.

Because there is no respect for truth today, ideological factions war with each other over the machinery of the government. They fight for the classroom; they fight for the educational apparatus; they only care about control, power, taking power, by any means necessary.

There is not a truth seeker among them. Perhaps because they have concluded that truth cannot be appraised, cannot be found, and is not real. But most importantly, truth is not valuable, cannot be commoditized, sold, packaged, prettified, dressed up or hijacked for their own purposes.

A time is coming, perhaps, when the scientific institution itself will be seen as an antiquated thing. Its usefulness to us will no longer apparent.

It has already begun to happen; it has started with the erosion of science as an objective discipline, beholden to corrosive political and business influences. The fact is that, science has been corrupted by the human influence. It has been hijacked by big business and corporations embroiled in political, legal and moral struggles.

The proof of this is the state of communication and conversation between the citizenry today. We no longer debate each other using reason, rationale, logic and the elements of persuasion. Instead, we find two parties slugging each other over the head with opposing and contradictory studies and surveys. Rational discourse has become a thing of the past. The art of persuasion has been reduced to whoever can cite with the greatest precision, speed, and volume.

Common sense never had a chance. It certainly doesn’t in today’s scientific climate. Young university students are rewarded if they can come up with novel and original results and conclusions. In the field of academic psychology, it has become news that they are just winging it, faking the science, in order to grab headlines. When reproducibility tests were done on psychology studies in established academic journals, up to 65% of them could not pass the test.

What we need is a return to philosophy, religion, and thinking. We need to leave the scientific institution in the rubbish heap of history, where it rightfully belongs. We need to return to meditation, prayer, and the study of the accumulated wisdom of thousands of years of moral and ethical doctrine.

More than anything, what we need right now is wisdom. We don’t need any more pop psychology articles. We don’t need any more gadgets and handheld devices. We need to return to original knowledge and revealed wisdom.

Big business has been a point of thorough corruption in all of the scientific arts. Our aero-engineers cannot even keep our new and modern planes in the sky. In the pharmaceutical industry, we see the worst abuses. Doctors are over-prescribing anti-depressants and other psychiatric medications at record levels. Most of these patients could be helped by a few simple lifestyle changes, or talk therapy. But instead they are drugged, and hooked by the lip into a remarkably profitable business scheme.

Science itself is a system of exploration. All by itself, it works just fine. It is like a motor that is running all of its own. What has happened is that a scientific institution has arisen. This institution represents a vast collective of human scientists. This institution is a society, and like all societies, it is open to corruption, bias, prejudice, and self-censorship. Within the scientific community, there are factions and divisions. There are shared political alliances and goals, and there are shared prejudices. Science itself must be protected by the institution, above all. Once a consensus is reached, and the matter settled and established, to achieve a new consensus becomes an uphill battle. The unified ego is now involved, and the wagons are circled. Only when the old guard dies off does the new advancements become consensus.

But there is hope. If we can return to the first fruits of knowledge, we can save ourselves from the established machinery of the scientific institution. But it means a return to individual thought. It means the lone thinker in his smoking room with pen, paper, equations and rational thought. It means a return to philosophy, to personal revelation, to the actualization of novel and original ideas.

Because what science is suffering from is a drought of original hypotheses. The hypotheses are determined by the political and/or social authorities. We live in a world of pro or against.

The only hope for mankind is a great falling away from science, and a re-commitment to the natural art of thinking and doing philosophy, accessible to every man. Science is, and has been an occupation for elitists. The scientific establishment has long been hostile to the common man and his thousand years of accumulated wisdom.

If they have their way, we will one day live under constant and incessant threat of nuclear, total destruction being just one international incident away.

Oh wait.

Without the advent and hostile takeover of the man of ruler and beaker, we would have continued on our natural progression of accumulating wisdom. Maybe by now, a singularity would have been reached, or a tipping point in the spiritual struggle between good and evil. But instead, we are on the verge of annihilation, under the threat of extinction at every passing moment.

But we are told that things are great, things are better. We listened to the sociologists, and now we have racial strife, riots, anarchy and mayhem. We listened to the psychologists, those of the secular priesthood, and now our little boys think that they are girls, our children shoot up schools. We listened to the socialist left, and now our freedoms are in doubt and in question.

We are a crazed species. Sick with blood, but yet hungry for more. Two world wars will not be enough. Search yourself and you will find that this is true. We are hellbent on self-destruction, on raping the earth and plundering its resources. We are demented and broken, lost to insanity, to a diseased common psyche, and science has placed within this animal’s hands the means of its own destruction.

So Help us God.

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