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Christians: Say No to #AllLivesMatter

Firstly, I am a white evangelical, charismatic, protestant Christian, who holds disdain for leftism, godless socialism, and the alt-right. I speak in tongues, diurnally study my Bible, oppose the killing of unborn babies, and the metastases of government into every area of our lives.

But I do not support the #alllivesmatter hashtag, and I’m going to tell you why.

There is a black internet personality named Jesse Lee Peterson, who has a weekly show called “The Fallen State,” a Sunday Church service, and a daily talk show on You Tube. He mainly interviews woke leftists and liberal African-american social and civil leaders and tightens the screws on them on race, evil, and other topics. He exposes their hypocrisies on these matters by suggesting them to be exactly what they believe others to be, whether racist or intolerant or privileged.

One of his favored lines of questioning is to ask liberal black civil rights leaders if they love white people. Their response, show after show, is always the same: “I love ALL people,” they will say.

Jesse will ask them again, and they will repeat their original answer.

He will then ask them again, but often they will not submit or break under this interrogation. “Yes,” almost never comes out of their mouths, unless it is followed up by an inevitable “all” or “everybody.”

They will often say that they love latino people, or black people, but they are not able to force “I love white people” out of their mouths.

The hypocrisy has been clarified, and their own racial feelings exposed and outed. It is compelling theater, and addicting to watch, because even black gospel preachers and evangelists regularly falter under this line of questioning.

That said, aren’t white people now being interrogated in exactly the same manner?

They are, and they are failing to respond in a Christian manner.

They will say that white lives matter, jewish lives matter, christian lives matter, unborn babies lives matter, but under pressure, they will not get “black lives matter” out of their mouths.

Now I can hear you already, saying that Black Lives Matters is a socialist organization with a suspect past, that they are against the nuclear family by mission statement, and so on.

Yes. The organization itself, like any other social collective, is going to be stock full of wayward, broken and sinful members. Our churches are quite the same, if we are going to be honest with ourselves.

However, it is ridiculous to assume that everybody who voices the affirmation that Black Lives Matter is a member of that organization, or is promoting its creeds.

So don’t respond with #alllivesmatter.

Don’t act like you can’t get the statement out of your mouth.

Maybe you mean it. Maybe you honestly believe that all lives matter, and you see that there is no difference between Jew and Greek, but nobody is asking for your moral opinion on all lives, but a particular racial subset.

They are not asking for your general perspective on race and color, but are asking for compassion, they are asking for an affirmative statement, such as an amen!

When you respond with #ALM, you have suddenly become elusive. You are sidestepping the question proposed to you, suddenly mealy-mouthed, responding to a particular question with a general answer.

You are no different from the leaders of these organizations who cannot squeeze out the statement: I love white people.

Black lives matter, regardless of whether or not white privilege is real or a fiction. Black lives matter, whether or not the BLM organization wishes to destroy the nuclear family arrangement.

This isn’t about offending others, but whether or not your outward behavior is an offense to your own character.

You don’t always have to take the high road, answering out of your own sense of pride and self-righteous virtue.

Yes. We know. You don’t see color. Jesus doesn’t see color, and the Holy Spirit doesn’t see color.

The problem, as I see it, is that #ALM seeks to offend. It is the highest form of virtue-signaling. Right or wrong, as Christians, we are supposed to take the high road, but not shout from the rooftops that we are taking the high road.

If we were talking about Christian persecution and stated that “Christian Lives Matter,” and a Muslim brother responded with, “no, All Religious lives matter,” we might be offended at this, because we are not talking about anything but Christian persecution, and this brother is waving it off in order to score a religious rhetorical point. It is a cheap shot.

Instead of fighting hatred with love, we are fighting hatred with proud words. It just doesn’t work. It actually serves to make us look privileged, in fact, as if we can afford this blind egalitarian worldview that nobody else can.

It almost seems to stand somewhere between right and wrong, and when in doubt, maybe it best to assume that such a thing is wrong, rather than right. We must remember that we all naturally lean toward sin and moral error.

It is the purest example I’ve ever seen of following the letter of the law, but forgetting the spirit of the law. The spirit of the law is freedom, and sometimes that means the freedom to just keep your mouth shut.

Don’t get caught up in the letter of the law, brothers, lest we forget the heart and spirit of the law, which is the freedom to declare that Black Lives Matter.

Something Happened to Men
A Thought on White Privilege
Why All Racists are Right

Racism Does Not Exist.

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The End of Science

I hope for a day when science is overtaken by common sense, logic and the practice of the basic reasoning abilities of man, and natural philosophy prevails once again.

It may happen. I see a path with my prophet’s eye. But it will come with pain, perhaps a full flask of suffering.

Perhaps it will be a flare from the Cairn collider that wakes us up. Perhaps a new civil war over a counterfeit moral value, such as racism. Perhaps a lab-escaped virus that sets the world on edge and makes prisoners of us all in our own homes.

But perhaps it will take a mini-apocalypse. Maybe a nuclear exchange would finally force us back to casual talk about metaphysics on the riverbanks. Perhaps a reset is what is needed. Our religious texts seem to prophesy this, without doubt, that there will indeed be a last day, and that it will come upon us as a thief in the night.

A new heaven, and a new earth.

Today, a man can no longer think for himself, and if he does, he is branded a rebel, even an enemy of society. Consensus is the order of the day. Consensus and not truth. Truth is of no import today.

Because there is no respect for truth today, ideological factions war with each other over the machinery of the government. They fight for the classroom; they fight for the educational apparatus; they only care about control, power, taking power, by any means necessary.

There is not a truth seeker among them. Perhaps because they have concluded that truth cannot be appraised, cannot be found, and is not real. But most importantly, truth is not valuable, cannot be commoditized, sold, packaged, prettified, dressed up or hijacked for their own purposes.

A time is coming, perhaps, when the scientific institution itself will be seen as an antiquated thing. Its usefulness to us will no longer apparent.

It has already begun to happen; it has started with the erosion of science as an objective discipline, beholden to corrosive political and business influences. The fact is that, science has been corrupted by the human influence. It has been hijacked by big business and corporations embroiled in political, legal and moral struggles.

The proof of this is the state of communication and conversation between the citizenry today. We no longer debate each other using reason, rationale, logic and the elements of persuasion. Instead, we find two parties slugging each other over the head with opposing and contradictory studies and surveys. Rational discourse has become a thing of the past. The art of persuasion has been reduced to whoever can cite with the greatest precision, speed, and volume.

Common sense never had a chance. It certainly doesn’t in today’s scientific climate. Young university students are rewarded if they can come up with novel and original results and conclusions. In the field of academic psychology, it has become news that they are just winging it, faking the science, in order to grab headlines. When reproducibility tests were done on psychology studies in established academic journals, up to 65% of them could not pass the test.

What we need is a return to philosophy, religion, and thinking. We need to leave the scientific institution in the rubbish heap of history, where it rightfully belongs. We need to return to meditation, prayer, and the study of the accumulated wisdom of thousands of years of moral and ethical doctrine.

More than anything, what we need right now is wisdom. We don’t need any more pop psychology articles. We don’t need any more gadgets and handheld devices. We need to return to original knowledge and revealed wisdom.

Big business has been a point of thorough corruption in all of the scientific arts. Our aero-engineers cannot even keep our new and modern planes in the sky. In the pharmaceutical industry, we see the worst abuses. Doctors are over-prescribing anti-depressants and other psychiatric medications at record levels. Most of these patients could be helped by a few simple lifestyle changes, or talk therapy. But instead they are drugged, and hooked by the lip into a remarkably profitable business scheme.

Science itself is a system of exploration. All by itself, it works just fine. It is like a motor that is running all of its own. What has happened is that a scientific institution has arisen. This institution represents a vast collective of human scientists. This institution is a society, and like all societies, it is open to corruption, bias, prejudice, and self-censorship. Within the scientific community, there are factions and divisions. There are shared political alliances and goals, and there are shared prejudices. Science itself must be protected by the institution, above all. Once a consensus is reached, and the matter settled and established, to achieve a new consensus becomes an uphill battle. The unified ego is now involved, and the wagons are circled. Only when the old guard dies off does the new advancements become consensus.

But there is hope. If we can return to the first fruits of knowledge, we can save ourselves from the established machinery of the scientific institution. But it means a return to individual thought. It means the lone thinker in his smoking room with pen, paper, equations and rational thought. It means a return to philosophy, to personal revelation, to the actualization of novel and original ideas.

Because what science is suffering from is a drought of original hypotheses. The hypotheses are determined by the political and/or social authorities. We live in a world of pro or against.

The only hope for mankind is a great falling away from science, and a re-commitment to the natural art of thinking and doing philosophy, accessible to every man. Science is, and has been an occupation for elitists. The scientific establishment has long been hostile to the common man and his thousand years of accumulated wisdom.

If they have their way, we will one day live under constant and incessant threat of nuclear, total destruction being just one international incident away.

Oh wait.

Without the advent and hostile takeover of the man of ruler and beaker, we would have continued on our natural progression of accumulating wisdom. Maybe by now, a singularity would have been reached, or a tipping point in the spiritual struggle between good and evil. But instead, we are on the verge of annihilation, under the threat of extinction at every passing moment.

But we are told that things are great, things are better. We listened to the sociologists, and now we have racial strife, riots, anarchy and mayhem. We listened to the psychologists, those of the secular priesthood, and now our little boys think that they are girls, our children shoot up schools. We listened to the socialist left, and now our freedoms are in doubt and in question.

We are a crazed species. Sick with blood, but yet hungry for more. Two world wars will not be enough. Search yourself and you will find that this is true. We are hellbent on self-destruction, on raping the earth and plundering its resources. We are demented and broken, lost to insanity, to a diseased common psyche, and science has placed within this animal’s hands the means of its own destruction.

So Help us God.

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Reasons to Believe

I believe in God because it is natural for me to do so. It is oh-so-human to believe in God, almost as if we, as a race, were born to believe in God. You cannot separate human history from the history of religion. To separate my mind from faith in God would be a perversion of the way things should be. I would become divorced from the evolutionary history of the human race, and what it means to be human.

I believe in God is because I became a Christian first. The gospel message of Christ found a home in my heart, and confirmed itself within me. I became a believer in this beautiful moral code, first. This is truly the first step of faith.

The heart came first, and then my head simply followed. I found a way to justify belief in God because I was in love. It happens every day, that people put their trust in something bigger than themselves, whether a marriage or a cause. They begin to develop confidence in this greater thing. It always starts with a seed of faith.

I believe in God because I took a small leap of faith in order to get where I really wanted to be, where my heart already was. Jesus said that the Spirit would convict the world of sin. I felt that guilt that draw on me to repent.

I believe in God because of the presence of the Holy Spirit who teaches me, guides me, counsels me, and advocates on my behalf. He is very much a person within me. I am always aware of his good nature, unspoiled by the corruption of the flesh. He is pure, righteous, innocent and clean.

I believe in God because I am so much more than an ape. I am no mere animal. I can ponder the event horizon of a black hole, and think on its intricate mysteries. I can pray to God, appreciate the form and concept of God. I can approximate God’s size and depth. I am not animal, but like a little god myself. And so I believe in my Father, God himself.

I believe in God because the infinite universe allows the existence of a God. The illimitable amount of space allows God freedom to exist in this or any other possible universe. And if the universe is real, and in reality can allow a God, than a God is probable, given an endless amount of time and space and possibilities.

I believe in God because there are dozens upon dozens of arguments for God’s existence. However, there are no arguments for atheism, for God’s non-existence. On the other hand, there is a voluminous library of arguments for God and Christ that you could build a foundation of faith upon.

I believe in God because I can find God inside of me. He is not out there somewhere, beyond the stars, or in the seventh heaven, even, but inside of every one of us that are saved. I believe in God because I don’t have to go far to find Him. I just look within, and find his Kingdom and all its glory inside of my spirit.

Again, I believe in God because I can find the Kingdom of Heaven inside of me. I have always known goodness, spiritual righteousness, and what godly love looks like, even as a young boy. What I thought true religion should look like I later discovered that Christ taught exactly that. Our spirits confirm that God is real, and that God is good.

I believe in God because, though God is indescribable, and his awesome grandeur cannot be translated into a recognizable form, still, I understand what and who God is through an intuitive understanding. It is almost as if I was designed to understand God, to know Him, to talk to Him and mentally appreciate Him. I cannot draw him, but I get him. I cannot imagine his form but I feel Him.

I believe in God because of the proof of the spirit. If you cannot find your spirit within your body, then you cannot find yourself. You do not know yourself if you cannot find yourself. If you believe that you have a soul, or a spirit, then you believe in the spiritual realm.

All of that, to say–If the spirit exists, then the spiritual world exists.

I have no choice but to believe in God, really. I believed in myself once, my own ways, my own thoughts, and all of that. I believed in human ways, secular thought, creative philosophy, and so on. It led me to self, but it also led me to self-destruction. Without God, and His ways, I don’t even exist. Therefore, I have no choice but to believe in Him.

I believe in God because of the existence of reality. Existence itself is God-dependent. Existence cannot exist of its own will or purpose. Existence cannot have being without God’s Being flooding it, permeating it, so to say. Otherwise, existence would simply not be upheld. Existence would simply not be colorized and filled out.

I believe in God because of the miracle of the Bible. The Bible is perfect, holy, anointed and irreducibly complex. It could not have come about by natural means because there are no intermediate transitional forms of revelation to be studied. Its revelation about God appears suddenly and fully formed in the historical record.

The Bible. Either none of it is true or all of it is true. If one miracle is real, then all of the miracles happened. Therefore, only one miracle needs to be proven. All of the others are then accepted on faith. And the likelihood that all of the hundreds of interconnected miracle stories being fake are minuscule, if not completely improbable.

I believe in the devil because of the argument from death. Death exists. Beings should not die, being in league with time, which will never end. Therefore death was manufactured by someone or something, and the devil seems the likeliest answer. Therefore the devil exists, and he brought death to the world.

But the biggest reason I believe in God is because God believed in me, first. There is no other explanation for my existence, unless the universe itself is malicious and cruel. I could only have been created for redemption, to be saved. Otherwise, I am the best I will ever be, and others, too. And that is not a good sign for the world.

Without God, we are the devil.

Let us not believe that, friends.

Go to Part Two

If there is No God…
Faith Keeps the Human Race Going

A Thought on White Privilege

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Why all Christians should Oppose Big Government

All Christians should oppose the rapid growth of the government that we are seeing in the United States, keeping in mind that– the larger the reach of the government into American lives, the smaller the reach of the church.

The bigger the government, the more intrusive the government, the more the people become like the government, taking on its character and its traits. We see this in nations run by tyrants, despots, and especially communist regimes, where the people seem spirit-less, the arts dead, religion controlled and suppressed, and the citizenry neutered, prone, apathetic, accepting, uncultured and reserved.

You almost never find heroism in these places. You find an emasculated citizenry, hushed up, tamped down, walking around like robots and zombies, given only to work, competition, honor and pride.

The issue is that the government is faceless, and void of what people truly need. It can offer a signed and stamped check, but can a check replace a father? Can a check replace a family unit? Can a check replace domestic tranquility and stability in the home?

The answer is in the negative. When we switched over to government itself being the social arm of the masses, we lost much, as a society. Because the government is not part of our community. The church is. The government’s face is lacking character and compassion, and the church’s isn’t.

The government can feed children, can financially support a mother, and can pay her medical bills, it is true. The government can be a provider. But it cannot be a dad, a father, a friend or a encouraging acquaintance. It cannot be a Christian friend. It cannot be a comforting and holy spirit of truth.

It cannot give truth. And only the truth leads to freedom. Jesus said: “and you shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.” True freedom for a people or a community or an oppressed race starts with a turn to the truth. Then freedom comes. But truth must come first.

The church must come first. The gospel message must come first. Without it, freedom will die. Because freedom relies on a man knowing what is true in his heart. When a man knows the truth in his heart, he will be willing to die for that truth. A society of men not willing to die in defense of the truth is a society of speed bumps, of emasculated automatons, and nothing more.

The secular state breeds such men, nurtures and raises such men, devoid of faith, of a blessed hope, of true religion. Because the state is godless, its children are likely to be godless. Because the state is not heroic, the people are not going to be heroic. Because the state is not good, the people are not going to be good.

Government programs foster dependency, not freedom.

The citizens that are under the influence of the government, and the secular government priesthood (democrats, leftists and socialists.) all display the signs and symptoms of being alive, and growing up, but growing up without paternal instruction and wisdom. They are overemotional, always in some kind of emotional distress. Their father is faceless, nameless, and absent except for material support.

When the state transitions into a paternal role, the nuclear family suffers, and society begins to descend into violence and anarchy. Man is to answer to God. When man only answers to the godless state, man really answers to the void within himself.

The more the state becomes the paternal presence, the more its children will remain as children well past their appointed age. The state makes children of men and women. It stunts their natural growth process, and juvenile characteristics are retained in them.

They would rather be dependent, at some point, than to be free individuals. They do not know freedom, and fear it the same way a young child does his first day away from his mother at school.

The critical point is that the government is a natural competitor with the church. The vast resources of the church used to be distributed with a catch–you had to attend in order to pick it up. Your benefactor had a face, a smile, and a blessing to impart. People went to the church for help, received physical goods in their time of distress, but also a spiritual feeding.

The church was literally the center of every community once. A common counter by those who worship the state is that government can respond more efficiently and with more resources, during an emergency. But fact is, huge and unwieldy responses aren’t going to be often needed with a limited government, as the people will be more self-sufficient, and the church will reap what the governing structure leaks out.

The church has stepped up in times past. We forget this. They were the ones who raised the orphans in the 30s through the 50s. They were handing out loaves at the bread lines. They built all of the homeless shelters and women’s shelters. They ran free health clinics and immunization programs. They built a vast network of charitable organizations that kept Americans afloat during the rise of America.

In all, what we are seeing today, is the coming to fruition of a truth that Jesus spoke 2,000 years ago: Man cannot live on bread alone.

But that is exactly why this country is in the predicament we are in regarding our inner city neighborhoods and ghettos. They can only give bread, but not other types of sustenance that are just as vital and necessary. It cannot encourage with an arm around the shoulder. It cannot pray with you or instruct in wisdom. It cannot commune with you, break bread with you. It doesn’t mail you a sympathy card when a close relative dies, or call every night to check up on you. The greater the role of government, the lesser the strength of community for a nation and people.

Go Home.
Why the Left LOVES Civil Disorder

If there is No God…
Faith Keeps the Human Race Going

A Thought on White Privilege

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Something Happened to Men

I don’t know when it happened, but some kind of mood shift occurred in the last 40-100 years. Americans in particular seem unhappy now, as compared to 50 years ago, say. How do I know this?

Because I collect baseball cards…

As I shuffle through my cards, as I am wont to do, I can’t help but notice the different levels of joy between then and now. It is the most obvious and remarkable thing that jumps out at me every time I compare cards from different eras.

Players in the 50s and 60s showed teeth in their smiles. There were something endearing and genuine about their joy. There was innocence and a humility present at the corners of their mouths. They seemed thankful, even happy.

Even the black players, in the midst of the turmoil of the civil rights era, possessed this charisma and glow upon them that I can’t find today in their modern day counterparts. It is just a something, call it an anointing, or a blessedness, or a christian contentedness. Something has happened between then and now, and whatever it is, it wasn’t positive.

It seems like their faces become disturbed, suddenly uneasy with themselves, right around the rise of the civil rights era, to be frank. It is uncanny the timing, perhaps. But maybe there is something to it.

Maybe they were living in non-ideological times, without the bloodthirsty 24-hour media every night stirring up rancor and ill will between parties, classes and races.. But whatever it was, I think something has been taken from mankind, and most of us don’t even know we have lost this birthright.

It seems our joy has been taken from us. Perhaps taken from us by the educators, our political leaders, by the race hustlers, the marxists, the atheists, the stuffy psychologists, the secular philosophers and the bearded naturalists.

It is almost as if a light has been put out in man. A once-friendly smile has been replaced by a thin grin. A childlike faith and a booming optimism replaced by anger, discontent, factionalism, and a fractured psyche.

Pills have replaced prayers. Votes have replaced charity.

We are no longer trusted as free men to determine our future, and the future of our states. We are slowly having the screws tightened on us. Even our moral freedoms are being taken from us. We are expected to live according to societal prescription. But all prescriptions have side effects.

I don’t see genuine joy any more. I feel like I haven’t seen a smile light up a room in ages. I haven’t seen a clean smile, one that approaches godliness, seemingly full of the holy spirit, as it were. I think we are growing cold, and angry, and resentful. We are made for so much more, but are being led astray by worldly systems and an atheistic nihilism.

One senses an explosive violence simmering inside of our countrymen. One feels uncomfortable in their presence, as if you were not among your kind, your tribe, your people. You look in their eyes and see straight through to the void in their souls. Deeply troubled, you may even back away slowly with hands up.

But what happened?

I think men have lost a sense of themselves, of who they really are, and who they are supposed to be. I think we have too many men raised by women alone. They are pretzeled up in emotional knots, anxious, and angry. It is not that they have lost their fathers, but that they have never known their fathers; but most importantly, they don’t know that God is their Father. They don’t commune with the Holy Spirit inside of them, don’t speak to God any more, and don’t listen to God’s voice inside of them.

They have been made angry by race hustlers, spiritual eunuchs, godless political maniacs and politicians. They don’t have perfect peace inside of them. They are not appreciative for the gift of existence that God has graced them with, and they are acting like their angry mothers who raised them.

Man’s soul has been poisoned. Now he appears as a freak, unrecognizable from the man he would have been if he was born 30 years earlier.

Jesus said that the eyes are the lamp of the soul. You can sense that a man’s soul has been darkened by looking into his eyes. They are restless, turbulent, striped with blood; they have something of a falsity to them, as if they are always lying.

The sun of man being darkened. The moon of the eye no longer giving its light.

The eyes are bald. The charismata gone from the face. The face is even twisted, contorted into pain at all times.

Something happened along the way, to our social fabric, there was a deleterious event along the way, something that scarred the soul of man so. A moral shift occurred, away from truth, perhaps toward the toleration of lies for the sake of niceness.

The government became self-interested, almost self-aware, and became an enabler of godlessness.

When you don’t have faith in God, you don’t have faith in anything, especially your fellow man. Everywhere you turn you see evil, wickedness, doom. You see enemies surrounding you, circling you like wild dogs. The eyes that glow are under suspicion as fakes, as charlatans, as counterfeits, as men of artifice. Their eyes are different from yours, therefore they must be the eyes of your enemy.

They lost sight of the Father and his ways. Men today don’t know who they are and who they are supposed to be because they don’t know their heavenly Father.

I am not talking about a return to toxic masculinity, or anything like that. Because God is love. A real man is a man of love, and not hatred. But the societal loam has been poisoned, as it were, by hatred, which brings discontent, which breaks up the peace of God that is supposed to be in a man’s heart.

This is important, that if a man hates anyone, then he does not love.

I see it. I know that you see it, too.

The question is: what are we going to do about it?

Or is too late?

Go Home.
Why the Left LOVES Civil Disorder

If there is No God…
Faith Keeps the Human Race Going

A Thought on White Privilege