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A Word for Today.

Christians and all good people must remember that our fight isn’t against marxism, or racism, or any ism, but against powers, evil and spiritual forces. This is where many have allowed themselves to become confused.

I am just as guilty as anyone. I rail against socialism. I rail against the counterfeit morals of the world such as racism. But we should probably dig beneath the surface, to explore why people are turning to these ideologies.

I think it is because people no longer believe in the power of love, but instead believe in authority, and control. Perhaps because they cannot control themselves, they believe that everybody must be controlled fully, by government, by the state, by the sword, if necessary.

Our christian concepts have not gone away. The truth is that people still feel a deep desire for these moral ideas. All you have to do is listen to the godless, the political maniacs, the atheists and socialists. It is obvious that they do indeed believe in evil, but they just call it by another name.

For example, racism has become the new evil. We are told it is everywhere, systemic, invisible, in everyone, and we are to repent of it.

Every christian and good person can unite under the flag of a war against evil, against sin, against hatred. But when we use the world’s moral language, confusion and chaos is the result. The proof is all around us today.

The real problem with these new concepts is that they do not have a strong claim to accuracy.

For example, any moral fault that an accuser is free from is not a valid religious moral concept. Jesus said as much. We are all guilty of murder, of adultery, of hatred, he said. When a sin (racism) can only be owned by a certain race, it is not valid.

We have to be careful as believers not to promote an alternative moral dynamic to the one laid out over 2,000 years ago, not one based on humility, not one that can be solved by love, as it only exists in the mouths of accusers as a secret, dubious deposit of intent on the souls of others.

The world has abandoned evidence, reason, logic, and all good sense, it seems. They apply their slurs on their opponents without discrimination.

We need to ask ourselves why. What do they see?

They see exactly what you and I see.

They see evil, everywhere, in everyone.

But they have lost hope in love, succumbed to defeatism and nihilism, and now support fully the authority of the state to impose order on everyone.

They have lost faith, is all.

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Why Christians are the Real Truthseekers

I had a kind of epiphany the other night about truth and the seeking of it.

I have always felt that most believers I have known are extremely curious people, and have often considered them to be seekers of truth.

Now, an atheist hears this and maybe scorns at the idea. They think of themselves at pure rationalists, following logic and reason to their inevitable conclusions. I believe, for most of them, this is a self-deception.

I say this because you often find, especially concerning social and political issues, atheists allow emotion to override their sense of logic and reason. You often find that they believe that if a man claims that he is biologically a woman, then he just is. The traditional husband/wife/child nuclear family structure can be replaced with alternative models, and nothing of value is lost. And there many more examples such as this.

What is happening is that truth is being discarded for a false sense of self-righteousness.

I find that the majority of atheists do not believe in truth at all. They believe in good feelings, and acceptance to the point of being enablers of suffering.

Christians believe that only the truth can set someone free. It seems to me, on the other hand, that many agnostics and atheists believe that truth, in regards to social issues, such as those just proffered, should take a back seat to niceness.

The problem is, it is not nice to enable someone in their own self-destructive behavior. It is reprehensible, pernicious and evil.

Another example is the absurdity, in the atheist worldview, in being politically or socially active, at all. In a godless universe, where we are just assemblages of meaningless matter, where all morals are subjective, or a matter of cultural preference, the idea that a person should be socially or morally inclined to the point of emotionalism is absurd. In such a world, more of a selfish and self-serving moral philosophy makes sense– that is, if you determine that life is worth living out, at all.

But on Twitter and in message forums all over the internet, on any given day, you find atheists using the strongest of moral language in indignation and judgment toward those that think or believe or vote differently from them. They call their interlocutors reprehensible, racists, and even go as far as to use the word evil.

This is a great mystery and betrays an inconsistency in their reasoning processes. It is not truth that blindly follow, but their souls, in the end.

All of that said, after midnight, a couple of nights ago, I had an epiphany that put all of this together. I made two Tweets at the time to express my realization.

“Most live in a world of bad guys and good guys. Christians live in a world with all bad guys. The only natural thing left for us do is to seek truth, as we already know we won’t ever make a heaven here on earth.”

This is an important point. I’m not trying to fix the world. It is man’s heart or soul that needs fixing. I’ll leave the endless cycle of legislating morality through government to those who don’t know better. The cycle of suffering isn’t going anywhere. Governments will grow in scope and power, the people will be oppressed by the swelling power of the government, The people will either revolt or capitulate. Nothing is gained. No moral progress has been had. The world becomes no better, but more confusing to our befuddled social scientists and humanities engineers.

Believers are not sidetracked by all of this moral wrangling. We are left to seek out truth. It is all we have left to accomplish.

The other tweet:

“Being a truthseeker is what ultimately leads people to God. You can only find God by sorting through the chaos of the moral singularity inside man. But you can only find yourself there by seeking truth.

And that is closer to the point. Unless you confront the greatest mysteries and tackle them head on, you cannot make a claim to truth. You cannot claim to be a seeker of truth. We who believe have already looked into the noisy turbulence of the cosmic eye, and found truth in it. And because the truth sets a person free, we are free of the moral and political confusion that often finds a home inside the godless man.

creative essays politics

Theory: Why Euro Nations can get away with Socialism, and we can’t.

It has happened over and over. When talking to a democrat socialist or a liberal, they bring up the wonderful socialized health program in Canada, Switzerland, Sweden, the Netherlands or some other minor Eastern European country. If it can work there, then it can work here, they proudly affirm.

They never stop to really ask themselves why these countries can afford such experiments, and the United States can’t. But more importantly, they never stop to ask themselves why the world can afford to allow them these socialized institutions, but why the world cannot afford the United States taking on these kind of massive financial changes.

First, let us look at military power. The United States, at all times, is prepared to fight a war on three fronts at the same time. The US literally has a military capacity to fight 3 wars at once, with two other superpowers thrown in for good measure.

The size and scope of US military reach is astounding and mind-boggling. The US, for example, has 13, 683 military aircraft. To compare, this is more than the next 7 countries on the military superpower index COMBINED.

America has 11 nuclear-powered aircraft carriers. The rest of the world combined has two.

The United States spends about $732 Billion on its military every year, which is almost as much as the next 10 countries combined.

These are important, if not critical facts. They are important because it is all necessary for world pace and stability. If the United States wasn’t making up this kind of slack, and if America reduced its massive military budget, western civilization itself would come into immediate jeopardy. Bad actors, with dreams of expansion and empire, like Russia and China, would seize on this weakening of the West’s defensive infrastructure and expand their global reach, either by projection or war.

In other words, the United States fields almost all of the military infrastructure of western democratic nations. They are, in some ways, the sacrificial lamb.

If America instituted the expensive and grand social experiments that others can only afford because of America’s assumed protection, who is going to pick up the slack then and stop the bad guys from destroying western civilization?

In those nations that these socialist programs exist in, do they also have the financial responsibility for a HUNDRED worldwide military bases, and a military geared for fighting 3 wars at once? Is the world looking TO THEM every time the shit break loose?

And if they don’t have those responsibilities, who–do you think, is going to take up the place of world leader once America goes into unrecoverable debt?

Certainly not China or Russia, right?


In all, these countries enjoy the capability to spend large proportions of their overall budgets on socialized medicine and free healthcare because they rely on the massive military power of the United States to ward off potential existential threats such as China or Russia. American power and projection across the globe keeps them in check. If America were to institute the same programs, they would, of necessity, have to decrease military spending and weaken the whole civilized world’s defensive posture against bad actors and nations. The rest of the free world would immediately become vulnerable and have to vastly increase their own military spending budgets. They might not be able to keep or maintain these expensive socialist programs financially.

This is one of the reasons why you generally see President Donald Trump constantly urging other Western nations to increase their overall contribution to matters of defense. He probably wants nothing more than to reduce military spending so that he can introduce Trumpcare and make his lasting mark on American history.

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How to Overcome the Lusts of the Flesh

I’m not going to tell you to pray more. I’m not going to tell you to worship more, or begin a program of positive confession. I have tried all of this myself, and it doesn’t work. It seems like the flesh always has the upper hand, no matter what. It seems like sin will always out, always win.

I know the way it is. You pray aloud in your prayer closet. You play some worship music and worship the father in spirit and in truth. You are feeling good, ready to transform the whole world through faith, by love and charity.

25 minutes later you are watching porn.

Or you are cursing someone out over the phone.

Or you are flipping someone the finger on the highway.

Or you are ripping open a pack of cigarettes with your trembling hands.

Whatever the answers are, I knew that nobody has ever shared them with me. I was just told the same tropes over and over, to pray more, read my bible aloud, ask God for help, and so on. I decided this advice needed an updating. I would go to the Bible for the answers and search and seek until I found the answer, the solution to putting down the lusts of the flesh.

I new I had the answer when I read Galatians, chapter 5.

Galatians 5:16
But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not carry out the desire of the flesh.

We are told to “walk by the spirit.” That is all well and good, but how are we to do that?

Imagine, for a second, that God was with you, walking with you, accompanying you everywhere. You could not escape Him. He was with you when you woke up in the morning and He was with you when you arrived home from work.

In that kind of situation, it would be difficult to sin. It would be hard to find a way to open up your laptop and watch porn, for example. But this concept is the key to overcoming the lusts of the flesh. You have to realize that God is always with you, always watching, always inside of you.

When you are aware, at all times and at every moment, that God’s precious Holy Spirit is in you and with you, throwing yourself headlong into a mortal sin will not be easy. For one, if you have a relationship with the holy spirit, as you should, you will not want to do anything that might grieve him.

This is why we are commanded to “walk in the spirit.” What that means is to develop a relationship with the Holy Ghost, so much so that you are aware of his nearness and presence at all times. It means to walk in the spirit, as in a marathon walk, and not just a morning jog, as it were.

Once you understand that you are never alone, you begin to act differently. Certain sins are impossible, and completely off the table. It is not that you don’t want to be a partaker in that sin, it is that you will not want to make the Holy Spirit a witness to that sin. And the only way to realize that you are never alone is to walk in the spirit.

Talk to the spirit. Speak to the person of the Holy Spirit. And listen to the spirit, for his guidance, for his comfort, for his help. He will always advocate action on your behalf. So don’t be afraid to start a relationship with him. That relationship is the key to everything.

Walk in the spirit.

How are you to ‘walk by the spirit’ if you cannot hear the direction of the spirit, if you cannot hear his voice?

The Word of the Spirit is the Bible. We must read the bible and listen to the Bible. Once we know the bible, we know the mind of Christ.

Coming to know the bible means coming to know the will of God for your life. It means coming to know the will and voice of the spirit.

This is literally the key to everything. If you can overcome the lusts of the flesh, you can overcome addiction, to food, to sugar, to carbohydrates, to drugs, to masturbation, to sex, to anything. I look back on my christian walk and realize that my body, my flesh, my physical temple has always been the number one enemy of happiness and peace for me.

Basically, you need a closer relationship with God. You need to feel that God is with you at all times, because He is. You need to have a constant sense of communion with the Holy Spirit inside of you, at all times. This is the key element to overcoming lustful practices.

Get to know God’s presence. Get to feel His presence with you, become aware of it always. Become more God-conscious and less sin-conscious, less flesh conscious. And you will sin less, and cave less to the desires of the body. You will become more “spiritual,” as it were, which should be your ultimate goal, to “walk in the spirit.”

This is the key to overcoming the lusts of the flesh, as much as it can be overcome, because we won’t fully overcome those lusts while we are “in the body” as Saint Paul says. Many may have to marry, even young, in order not to burn with sinful desires. This is another overlooked solution, due to our modern cultural climate, which sees marriage as a thing that should be put off until your 30s.

Fact is, throughout all of human history, men and women were marrying young, for over 50,000 years. The truth is that we were built for our child-raring years to be in our late teens and early 20s, when out fertility levels are the highest, and our energy levels almost inexhaustible.

Better to marry than to burn, as Paul and Christ said. But better to be married to the Holy Spirit, first.

Why the Left LOVES Civil Disorder

If there is No God… Faith Keeps the Human Race Going

A Thought on White Privilege

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But my Loved Ones are Going to Hell!

I was watching William Lane Craig do a Q&A session when a Christian asked him about unsaved loved ones, and how to have joy when they are on the road to hell. They also asked about how to deal with the question of a “good God” sending people to hell. His answer was twofold.

He made the point that we should focus instead on God’s grace toward us, and be appreciative. I didn’t like the answer, as it seemed a bit self-serving for my taste. He also pointed out that we are ALL deserving, or worthy of hell, and we should focus instead on their salvation, and our efforts toward the accomplishment of that objective. Here I can find a point of agreement.

The idea of loved ones and family members going to hell should provoke us into fervent action on their behalf, through prayer, through witnessing, by setting a good, Christian example and making a shining light of our lives. In my opinion, whenever there is a principle or truth in the kingdom of God, there is a point to that principle or truth. For example, Jesus said that the Sabbath was made FOR MAN. Man was not created for the Sabbath day.

But I think what is being missed in all of these responses is an appreciation for God, who is love. Love is patient, we are told. Love is kind. Love forgives. Love overlooks wrongs and is compassionate. And God *is* love. We should never assume that our sense of love is greater than God’s. This is never a point of conflict that we should have in our heads, or in our hearts. God is love, and He will act out of Love.

The Bible also tell us that God is just. We must always keep this in the forefront of our minds while considering these challenging matters. We must trust that God will do what is fair and just. It is not for us to judge, but God is the judge, and we would do well to confess that He is a fair and honest judge of people’s hearts and souls. Trust in God means to trust his righteous judgment, also.

Now, there is one other matter I want to address, and that is the idea that a person can sanctify an unbeliever who is immediate family. We know that a believing wife can sanctify her unsaved husband, and vice versa. The verse is here:

For the unbelieving husband is sanctified through his believing wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified through her believing husband. 1 Corinthians 7:14

This idea makes a certain bit of sense, if you think about it. When a man and woman come together in marriage, they become one person, and the two become one. It wouldn’t make sense for only half a person to be sanctified.

However, sanctification is not salvation. It does not mean to be saved. We know this because just two verse later Paul provides this context:

“How do you know, wife, whether you will save your husband? Or, how do you know, husband, whether you will save your wife?”

I do not think anything is impossible with God. Jesus says as much when he is talking about rich people going to heaven, and though it is unlikely that your loved ones will be saved because you prayed for them, you can always hold out hope.

In the Old Testament, it is recorded that Job prayed for the sins of his sons, constantly, and sacrificed on their behalf.

In the Old Testament we also find Abraham pleading the case for the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. We also find God appearing to save Lot’s life because of just this kind of intercessory prayer, also.

So, in all, just remember that God is just. He is fair. We believe in His love, His mercy, His grace and kindness. God will always do the right thing. He will always do the just thing.

Trust in his goodness. Have faith in his righteousness. Believe in his goodness and mercy at all times.

This is the hope of our faith, and it is important not to forget it.

Read my article on White Privilege Debunked

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